SEEDS4Tanzania“We are hoping that through education the children will develop skills that will benefit them and empower them to move forward in their lives, communities and country.”

Four years ago I travelled for the first time to Tanzania, East Africa. Amongst my many travels around the Diocese of Mpwapwa, I visited the villages of Chitemo and Nyhinila. I was welcomed by a large group of singing children, approximately 300, tots to 7 years of age. I later found out that they were orphans. Their parents had died mainly from Aids, dysentery, malaria or childbirth. Africa can be a cruel country when it comes to orphans or those with physical or mental disabilities because there is no infrastructure to deal with them. In many areas of Africa orphans will have a tough life often left to fend for themselves from a very young age. However, in these two villages the church has taken it upon itself to care for these children asking the villagers who themselves are very poor, to give them a home and four times a year at a special service donate what they can towards their care. The children have nothing to call their own, few clothes, no toys, and no school facilities apart from what volunteers are able to do for them. Their activities are always held outdoors the only shade being a tree.

SEEDS4Tanzania wants to change this.

When I left Chitemo that year I took a picture of the orphans under that tree and it has remained on my laptop as a screensaver and in my heart. After much thought and discussion with Chitemo and Nyhinila I felt I had to do something for them. I believe that if they are to have a future it will be through education. Education will hopefully give them the skills that will enable them to move forward in their lives and contribute to their communities, moving them out of poverty and dependency. At 7 the children attend government school which may have 100 children to a class with one teacher and no other facilities other than a blackboard. If the children have the opportunity of developing the basics in the three R’s between the ages of 3 and 7 years of age they will hopefully be in a stronger position to deal with the challenges of their next school. The pre-school will also be used on Saturdays by the community for various activities such as developing craft skills, mother and baby groups, scout and guide groups for older children, the opportunities are endless.

During my last visit in October 2011 I was taken to 50 acres of land which lies in between the two villages and was donated by the government. This will be the ideal location to build the pre-school. The villagers have understood that they must take ownership of this project and with the church continuing to act as overseer they have organised a project committee, building committee and opened a bank account. The villagers will do all the hard work building the units classroom units and toilet facilities. SEEDS4Tanzania will fund the training of women from the villagers as pre-school teacher and fund items such as cement, roof structures and the necessary school equipment. The teachers will be remunerated through the supplying of animals. These will provide the opportunity for the teachers to become self-sufficient and independent.

This is a long term project with many challenges ahead but with your support these young children will have the future they deserve. SEEDS4Tanzania believes it will happen; we need you to help it happen.


Rev Canon Yolande Marcussen


About Us

The beginning – In 2008 I travelled for the first time to Tanzania, East Africa. Amongst my many travels around the Diocese of Mpwapwa, I visited the villages of Chitemo and Nyhinila. I was welcomed by a large group of singing children, approximately 300, tots to 7 years of age. I later found out that they were orphans. Their parents had died mainly from Aids, dysentery, malaria or childbirth. Many areas of Africa can be cruel when it comes to the care of orphans and those with physical or mental disabilities because there is no infrastructure to deal with them. Orphans will have a tough life, often left to fend for themselves from a very young age. However, in these two villages the church has taken it upon itself to care for them asking the villagers who themselves are very poor, to give them a home and four times a year at a special service, donate what they can towards their care. The children have nothing to call their own, few clothes, no toys, and no school facilities apart from what volunteers are able to do for them. Their activities are always held outdoors, the only shade being a tree.

SEEDS4Tanzania wants to change this - Visit our Project Page

Latest News

July 11th, 2023

SEEDS 11 years we must say goodbye


After 11 years and many successful projects it is time to say 'GOODBYE AND THANK YOU'

Since COVID it has been impossible to raise funds particularly with the economic struggles that continue in the UK and around the world.  I am, however, thankful to say that we managed to complete successfully all the projects set over 10 years.  It has been an amazing experience and privilege to enable change for the better to so many lives, particularly the children.   

With out the help of funding so generously given over the years by individuals, companies, churches and organisations it would never have been possible. My grateful thanks.

A huge thank you to Rebecca , our administrator, accountant, daughter.  Thank you for all the support from day one and for the acronym SEEDS (schooling, education, enabling and sustainability). You have brought so much joy into the lives of so many people.

To Jacquie our Trustee. and dear friend.   Thank you for your total commitment and raising funds over the years. Most of all the love and fun you have given us all.

And thank you both for giving your time and personal funds to join me on our many trips to Mpwapwa Diocese and our project villages of Chitemo and Nyhinila.  We have met so many wonderful people who have brought such a richness into our lives. It has been life changing. There is so much more I could say but let me finish with - 

A big thank you from the bottom of my heart to all who have been part of                             'SEEDS4tanzania'

and may God bless you.

Rev Canon Yolande Marcussen

Founder and Chair

Memories will always be there for us all with  the hundreds of photographs taken over the years, on the blog 

September 28th, 2021

 SEEDS  is coming to a stand still with our work in Tanzania because funds are low.  However, we are delighted that we managed to successfully complete our three main projects in Chitemo and Nyhinila villages in 2019.   We still have one project and that is to enable  35 Maasai orphans to attend school. (see previous blogs). 

Raising funds has become impossible since COVID due to being unable to go out  and do presentations to stimulate interest and funds.  

The Maasai we support are seriously struggling.  They live in the most rural area with no amenities.  At present they have no  water available as the river beds are dry.  They are having to travel without transport a considerable distance to collect water and also have to pay for it.  They are extremely poor and the situation is  getting  desperate. Due to the lack of water most of their crops have died which means little food and  their cattle are also dying.  

 Deep pit in the river to access water

Normally water  would be accessed by digging into the river bed (see above) some 40 feet down. Someone has to be lowered down by rope to fill buckets of water and then they are hoisted up. There is always the risk of falling in and drowning. Can you just imagine what that must be like?

Until we supported the orphans 4 years ago it would have been impossible for them to attend school.  The Maasai adults in the villages have never had education and do not think it is necessary.   The children attending school has been quite an achievement on our part.  The orphans we support will not be able to continue to attend school after this year as we do not have sufficient funds.  With our other projects we enabled the villages to become self sufficient and take responsibility of the projects but this is not possible with the Maasai at present.  

 It takes only £100 to send a child to school for a year.  This covers their uniform, teaching materials and food.  

If you read this and feel you can help, please contact me. - 07794151635 -  THANK YOU

Working together to give children hope for the future.

June 29th, 2021

June 2021 update

 It has been very disappointing that for the past 18 months SEEDS has not been able to move forward with projects.  Tanzania has been off limits for visits and remains so.  Their dealing with the COVID virus has left much to be desired.  In fact very little has been done to help the people although now the Government are asking for help in securing vaccinations. 

The seasonal rains have been extremely heaving which has destroyed many of the crops.  Without crops the food supply is diminished and the people in the rural areas go hungry.

We have continued to help the Maasai orphans with the benefits of education but sadly with COVID raising funds has become almost impossible.  There have been too many problems in the UK for people to consider help for further afield. 

I continue to pray that there will be a solution and that in time the challenges will be dealt with.

As soon as I have any news I shall update the blog.  

December 12th, 2019

Our final Sunday service at Chitemo church 13.10.19

Lets start the service with dance and joyful song

There has to be baptisms

Only 13 today!

There is always laughter
Gifts have been presented to Pastor Festo and Rev Mkali

The 5 hour service is over and we wait to greet  the members of the congregation as they leave

Keep singing

Our cheeky children

The end of a beautiful day

December 12th, 2019

A time to Celebrate 10 years together

October 12 2019 - The official handing over of the projects to the people of Chitemo and Nyhinila villages - 

The children awaiting our arrival for the celebration

An awning erected to keep us out of the sun

Celebrations must include music, dance and song a member of the GoGo tribe leads the choir

The GoGo women entertain us

Unveiling the plaque on the Chitemo school

Bishop Jacob, Pastor Festo, Rev Canon Yolande, Rebecca and Chris

Presenting some of our school children with achievement certificates

The very young are part of the musical entertainments

The drums are an important instrument when creating music

And he has his whistle!

Presenting the handover certificates to Bishop Jacob Chimeledya

Teachers present me with a gift of material for a skirt

Trevor is presented with his robe!

Chris is presented with a Maasai robe and staff

Now it is Rebecca's turn

More song and dance

Our five teachers, Ruthu, Elizabeth, Mika, Hagali, & Selina

No it is not the Bishops turn to sing - he is addressing the people about the future 

Some final words

Bishop Jacob presents me with a certificate of appreciation

A child of the future

May the people of Chitemo and Nyhinila villages continue to work together for the future of their children.